RHS revised chapters 5, 13, 15, and Appendix 4 of the Single Family Housing Guaranteed Loan Program Technical Handbook (HB-1-3555). The updates to chapter 5 pertain to the utilization of the Guaranteed Underwriting System and the upload of required documents. The updates to chapter 13 pertain to loans for units in a community land trust, restrictions of resale price, loans on leasehold estates, loans on Native American restricted land, definitions, and authorized loan purposes. The updates to chapter 15 pertain to the loan application package, lender notification on request for loan guarantee, and the guaranteed rural housing loan origination checklist. The updates to Appendix 4 incorporate program changes to allow for easy access in reviewing contact information with new titles, divisions, descriptions, and resource links. The updates went into effect on June 28, 2023.
Click to view the RHS SFH Guaranteed Origination Notice: https://www.tenaco.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/RHS-SFH-Guaranteed-Origination-Notice-06-28-23.pdf
Click to view the RHS Procedure Notice 585: https://www.tenaco.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/PN-585-06-28-23.pdf