Freddie Mac issued Bulletin 2016-21 (Bulletin) updating servicing requirements. The Bulletin: provides lenders and servicers 15 business days to submit required data when settling a third-party foreclosure sale transaction through Workout Prospector (rather than 10 business days); updates remittance requirements for short sales, deeds-in-lieu of foreclosure and charge-offs; allows new options as proof of insurance for condominiums, cooperatives and planned-unit developments; updates Guide Forms 16SF and 1107SF; provides lenders and servicers 7 business days to complete closing requirements with respect to a charge-off (rather than 3 business days); and updates instructions for filing IRS Forms 1099-A and 1099-C.
CFPB Amends Fair Credit Reporting Act with respect to Medical Information
The CFPB adopted rules amending the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) with respect to medical information. Per the rule adoption, the CFPB removed an exception