Freddie Mac Issued Bulletin 2016-20 (Bulletin) updating the Selling Guide. The Bulletin: establishes property eligibility requirements, and updates underwriting requirements, with respect to loans secured by property with solar panels; prohibits the consideration of “trended credit data” when manually underwriting a loan; reorganizes and reformats requirements relating to a living trust borrower; requires all monthly lease payments be included in the monthly debt payment-to-income ratio (as opposed to car lease payments only); updates the Agreement for Concurrent Transfer of Servicing of Single-Family Mortgages form (Guide Form 960); amends section 7101.2 of the Selling Guide (regarding requests for a transfer of servicing) to align with operational practices; revises Guide Forms 15, 15A and 15C in the Freddie Mac Selling System; and updates Exhibit 4 and 5 with respect to uniform instruments.
CFPB Amends Fair Credit Reporting Act with respect to Medical Information
The CFPB adopted rules amending the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) with respect to medical information. Per the rule adoption, the CFPB removed an exception