TENA performs the audit selection process for approximately 98% of its clients; however, a client can also select which files will be audited. When TENA handles the audit selection process, it utilizes the selection functionality built into its SECONDLOOK Audit Software. In those instances, the client’s unique selection requirements and criteria are identified during the client set-up process and the applicable parameters are pre-loaded into the software. Upon receipt of the client’s list of loans that are candidates for audit (typically, a closed loan report), the selection process is initiated. The SECONDLOOK file selection process accommodates a wide range of selection criteria, from very simplistic to very complex. SECONDLOOK automatically stratifies the list of eligible loans according to each client’s specific requirements. It then uses random, discretionary, stratified and targeted sampling protocols in conjunction with fixed count, percentage, conditional, and statistical methodologies to fulfill the specific selection criteria established for the client. Upon completion of the selection process, the list of loan files selected for audit will be communicated to the client.